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S.No. Description Heavy/Extra-Heavy duty HD/EHD Medium-duty MD Light-duty LD
1. Clear Opening-matching the top opening of manhole chamber (C) 560 mm dia or 600 mm dia. or square 450 mm dia/480 mm 500 mm dia or 560mm dia or square 450 x 900 mm (Rectangular) 600 x 450 Rectangular 450 mm dia or 350 mm dia or square
2. Precast Polycrete slab with integral frame (D/T) 900 mm dia x 180 mm or square corners cut 1000 mm dia x 200 mm or square corners cut 800mm dia x 130mm, 800mm dia x 150mm, 700 x 1150 x 130 mm, 900 dia x 150 mm 850mm x 700mm x 100mm 625mm dia x 100mm, or 575mm dia x 100mm or square
3. Thickness of cover/Depth of Frame (T) 100mm or 110/130mm/175 to 200mm 60/70/80mm/125 to 160mm 50mm/100mm
4. Matching manhole cover (B) 685/660mm or 735/710mm dia or square 585mm dia or 645mm dia or square 535x985x70mm (Rectangular) 685 x 535 mm 515mm dia or square 435 mm dia or square
5. Edge protection of covers inside of frames/lifting facility Polycrete manhole covers, and inside of frames are designed and provided with MS Rims of 2/2.5/3.15 mm thickness, depending upon the grade of manhole cover system, welded around, with provision of two lifting hooks welded at appropriate locations.
6. Chequered pattern n operative surface/Colour finish The MS Rims along with the edges of Polycrete manhole covers and their operative surface are suitably coated/finished using Polyutherane enamel of the desired shade, for improved corrosion resistance, besides providing chequered pattern : Chocalate Brown/Olive green/ Black/ Grey to facilitate colour condification. MS Rims can also be supplied galvanised on demand and at additional cost.
7. Marking on the covers

Polycrete manhole covers/precast slabs suitably marked on the operative surface with the following letters, unless specified otherwise :
Name of the Department / Sewer / SWD / Grade / Date of Mfr. / Trade name etc.


Performance requirment

When tested for ULTIMATE breaking load using 300 m dia block, as per the method described in IS : 1726-1991 for cast-iron & IS : 12592 (1981 & 1991), Polycrete (PFRC) manhole covers shall be with in the follwing range.
(I) Test-load
Light-duty : 2.5 tonnes(LD-2.5) Medium-duty : 10 tonnes (MD-10)
Heavy-duty : 20 tonnes (HD-20) Extra-heavy-duty : 35 tonnes(EHD-35)
(II) Improved Abrasion resistance of operative Polycrete (PRFC) Heavy-duty and extra-heavy-duty manhole covers can be provided with Polymer concrete operative surface with a view to obtain improved abrasion resistance over conventional cement ceoncrete surface, on demand, and at additional cost.

Note : The above dimensions for Polycrete manhole cover system are only suggestive of the practice followed for manhole chambers, however for proper and secure placement of the manhole cover system over the manhole chambers in the field, user departments are requested to provide drawings of manhole chambers, indicating the clear opening etc. Scraper manhole covers can be designed as per IS : 1726-1991.